AI art, animals

Draw and paint analog vs draw and paint digital… What’s the difference?

This is my 2 minute sketch in pencil of my friend’s little corgi dog. As you can see, it’s super quick because all I wanted to do was to get his likeness down fast. If I’m lucky, I can pick up some of his personality. Notice the stance and point of view of the little guy. In the following shots, you will see that the AI engine has kept to the sketch, just applying various styles and filters to it. The point is that to get from the pencil sketch to the AI finished work is this: it’s the same image done digitally instead of manually. There is an additional trick about AI is that you don’t even need to make a pencil sketch first. You can describe what you want through words, and of course this is a prompt: aka specific verbal instructions to tell the engine what to do.
On a personal level, I am experimenting by reworking lots of my old art into AI to expand my knowledge. What I’m finding is it’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Isn’t that nice. Here are some versions of our little corgi friend.

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